Monday, October 4, 2010

Fisher House Detail

ARCH1142 Class 3 Process Model
W4: Model-it! Workshop
Sean Choo and Matt Hollenstein

1 comment:

  1. Hola Chaty Xu , Im Raphaello

    pasando por internet visitando paginas de arquitecrura encontre tu blog me parecio bastante interesante, me agradaron tus trabajos...Soy de mexico y me gustaria tener un intercambio cultural en especial sobre la arquitectura te dejo mi correo para contactar

    Xhao and take care

    Hello Xu Chaty

    through visiting internet pages arquitecrura found your blog I found quite interesting, I like your work ... I'm from mexico and I like to have a cultural exchange in particular about the architecture I leave my email to contact aphall.rj_7 @ . mx

    Xhao and take care
